María Belén is the current CEO of Love to Learn (love2learn). This company was created in Quito-Ecuador to support families, children and professionals. Its primary purpose is to conduct research, support children’s development, accompany families, and prepare professionals in the theorization and practice of cutting-edge concepts in child development. As a former CEO of other support centers, as a public speaker, and as a professor of recognized Universities in Ecuador, she has contributed to the dissemination of theory and practice among the field of Education in various Latin-American countries. 

Her interest and dedication to early childhood development has led her to receive several recognitions. In May 2014, she received the ALAS-BID (Inter-American Bank) award in Washington. At the award ceremony she was with Luis Alberto Moreno, president of the IDB, and Hillary Clinton, former secretary of state. 



Dr. Camacho has a PhD in Infant and Early Childhood Development with emphasis in mental health and developmental disorders from Fielding Graduate University. She has a Masters in Special Education from the University of Maryland.

In the year 2021, faced with the global problem of the pandemic, she obtained a certificate in deep psychology and trauma

She has a degree in Early Childhood Education from the Catholic University of Ecuador. Since 2008, she has created two recognized support and research centers accompanying children, families and professionals in the theorization and practice of cutting-edge concepts in child development. Several support centers have been created in Quito thanks to her teachings and support.

Currently she works with families, teachers, other educational personnel and child care providers in the development of inclusive and cutting-edge practices that facilitate integral development and respect for individuality and mental health. Her courses, workshops and spaces for reflective supervision are carried out online where she also publishes topics related to early childhood, education, inclusion and good practices.

Online Professional Development

Online Professional trainning for teachers, other educational personnel and family child care providers

Duration: 6 months
Plataform: Zoom
Weekly live encounters
Schedule: Flexible

Sensory awareness
Relating and Communicating
Thought Processes and Play
Executive Functions and Self-efficacy
Self-regulation Working with Parents

Online Mentoring / Reflective Practices

Reflective supervision is one avenue that has been found to be an effective way of supporting teachers and other educational personnel, and encouraging the development of regulation, openness, acceptance, reflection, and insight when working with young children(Gilkerson, 2004; Heffron, 2005; Oppenheim, 2008; Parlakian, 2002; Shahmoon, 1995). This term has also been defined widely by researchers “reflective teaching is the ability to analyze one's own teaching practice” (Cruikshank, 1987). “Schon defines the reflective practitioner as one who can think while acting and thus can respond to the uncertainty, uniqueness and conflict involved in the situations in which professionals practice ” (Alder 1991, p.6). He also suggesting the opportunity for teachers to reflect on what happens to themselves during interactions, so they can process and/or understand any personal issue that may impact their practice while in action. It allow for teachers to openly reflect on complex and often uncomfortable mental states or individual traits, without the over- intrusion or the breakdown of defensive processes. Defensive processes, distortions, misattributions,  wrong perceptions  and/or mis-attunment, in regards to the children with whom teachers work are highly probable without appropriate containment and reflection (Fraiberg et al. 1975). Schon  also talks about supervision in a secure laboratory setting where one can reflect upon practice but be safe and free of risk.  Zeichner (1987) posits three levels of reflection giving emphasis to the reflection of the practice itself, the context where this takes place and the ethical issues around what worked and what didn’t.

Duration: 60 minutes

On-site therapy

Music program based on natural frequencies

Five consecutive day intervention designed to reduce stress and hearing sensitivity while improving social behavior and resilience. Helps to improve psychological and emotional states.

Who benefits?

Clients showing delays and / or difficulties in any of the following areas:
Written expression and reading comprehension
Social communication
Motor skills
Processing speed
Sensory processing
Emotional regulation

Interactive metronome

Interactive metronome is an activity that improves cognition, attention, focusing, memory, communication, language, executive skills, symbolization, as well as motor and sensory skills. Children, youth and adults with difficulties can benefit from:

Who benefits?

Boys and Girls between 3 and 15 years old who present needs of:
Learning (mathematics, reading, oral and written language)
Execution that includes: planning and sequencing of actions, following rules and routines, and resolving conflicts.
Gross and fine motor needs
Language problems.
Sensory regulation needs
Social Needs: share, make meaningful relationships, relate positively with the other, respond to social keys, group participation.
Emotional regulation: fears, dependencies, frustrations, obedience, etc.
Difficulties in toilet training
Eating difficulties

Painting on light boxes

Art gives us the possibility of making the unconscious conscious.

Here, events and emotions that accompany us and often limit us are symbolized.

The narrative we give to this creation is healing.

In this relational, artistic, symbolic and narrative encounter great sensory, emotional and cognitive changes take place.

Participants work on light boxes, in a dark space and with headphones that provide bilateral music.

Play, thought, language and communication

Play and symbolization expresses how the child manages to register, represent, understand and integrate their experiences. Through play the child develops his way of communication and communicative behavior in society.

Difficulties or alterations in language and communication, learning and emotional regulation often present difficulties in play. In therapy, play is used in a diagnostic and therapeutic way according to the individual capacities and needs of the child:

• Encourage development through adapted games that target the individual abilities of children

• Initiate and promote joint and interactive activities strengthening the interests of the child.

• Support and promotes: development, elaboration and continuity of play, development of symbolization capacities, the narrative structuring of actions and communicative behavior.

• Use verbal and non-verbal games that help the child to develop play and improve their communication and interactive skills in the family and with other children.


Play strengthens bonds and supports integral development of children.
In these meetings we reflect on what has happened in the game between parents and children, providing strategies that support regulation, communication and symbolization.
